Skin Care
Full 60min $85 Express 35min $65 Series of 3 Full $215
One of the most popular treatments we have, our medical grade microdermabrasion machines work by exfoliating and vacuuming the outermost layer of the skin, which is composed of dull and dead and dull cells. Some of the benefits include: improving skin texture, improves acne stimulates circulation and cell renewal, minimizing the appearance of large pores and much more.
The Ultimate Skin Glow
75 min...........$120 Series of 3 $315
This is the \"Red Carpet\" treatment for your skin, with Microdermabrasion, Mini Peel, High Frequency, LED lights and antioxidant serums. Will Leave your skin radiant and glowing! This treatment helps minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, lightens sun damage and evens out skin tone, will stimulate circulation and promote cell renewal, help with acne and much more.
Classic Custom Facial
45min $60
This Classic Facial starts with a cleans, exfoliates with ultrasonic technology, extractions, tones and hydrates, custom mask included.
Glowing Teen
This facial is designed to specifically address breakouts that frequently are associated with adolescent skin.
The Casanova
35 min..........$65 Series of 3 $165
This treatment is quick and to the point, starts with a microderm to exfoliate all of the dead dull skin, meticulous extractions, a customized mask depending on your skin needs, hot towel and antioxidant serums. Great for treating razor bumps and ingrown hairs.
Mini Peels
30 min 10-15% $60 Series of 3...... $150 30 min 20-30% $75 Series of 3 $190
Glycolic acid, which is derived from sugar cane, is one of the most popular in the alpha hydroxy acids. They work by removing the dead skin cells, stimulating the productions of new cells, revealing a new layer that is smoother-textured and vibrant looking. Helps with fine lines, minor discoloration (such as sun spots) they are also useful in treating acne and help minimize scarring, and stimulate the growth of collagen. Glycolic Acid Concentrations range from 10-30 Percent.
Waxing Services
Brow Shaping
Brow Upkeep
Lip or Chin
Sides of the face
At Skin Glow Studio $60 At Location $85 with 25 mile radius
Full Glam makeup application, includes strip lashes
The Keratin Lash Lift
Keratin Lash Lift is a great alternative to eyelash extensions or for clients with sensitivities. It is a low maintenance lash solution for clients, as results last 8-12 weeks. Using your own lashes, they are placed against a silicone pad and solutions are applied, giving them a natural looking lift. This is perfect for those who have straight or downward facing natural lashes. Will give your eyes and face an instant lift!